Young Revivalist Physical

Young Revivalist Physical

Kingdom Leaders Global Alliance
Kingdom Leaders Global Alliance

Have you ever had questions in relation to leading your child to Christ? Or have you desired that their gifts are activated at an early stage? Do you really desire more of the inflow of the...

Have you ever had questions in relation to leading your child to Christ?

Or have you desired that their gifts are activated at an early stage?

Do you really desire more of the inflow of the spirit in the lives of your children?

A revival is brewing… and it’s starting with our children.

God has a lot in store for the seed He has given us. And He is set to activate them at the FIREBRAND Festival themed Young Revivalist with Joel 2:28 as the anchor Scripture.

Commissioned in 2017, the FIREBRAND Vision is an urgent prophetic clarion call from our Heavenly Father, to awaken a generation that will hunger and thirst for God’s Spirit as we burn with passionate desire for Him in this final hour. We know that the Holy Spirit is quickening our altars of prayer so that His Day of Awakening and Revival can come amongst us.

Now a part of Kingdom Leaders Global Alliance, the FIREBRAND Movement has held Festivals across several cities and continents. We have discipled several thousands of saints through our Bible School, and released books in the FIREBRAND Series including FIREBRAND, FIREBRAND Forerunners, FIREBRAND Devotional and FIREBRAND Prayer Journal.

On Saturday, 20th May 2023; we will experience a refreshing dimension of God’s Revival over our young ones!

At FIREBRAND Festival for Children and Teenagers, we see the Lord raising Young Revivalists, who will carry His holy fire, walk in power as well as experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and Scriptures.

Alongside the release of FIREBRAND Kids Novels (on Salvation and the Holy Spirit) as well as FIREBRAND Parents; this Festival is a convergence of Spirit-filled Parents, and their children, as we present our generations to the Lord for His baptism, so our sons and daughters can prophesy and take territories for the Lord.

We invite you to join us as we surrender to this Supernatural Rain of the Spirit, and present our seeds before Him, for His glory in these last days.

Register to attend the meeting with your children by clicking on the button below

The FIREBRAND Festival for Children and Teenagers will cater for children in the age categories: 3 – 6, 7 – 10, 11 and above.

We expect Parents to come with their children on this day.

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Young Revivalist Physical preview

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